Cybernetics For You

Welcome to Cybernetics For You

This website was established and built by order of Mr.Christian.

What is the Cybernetics ?

Cybernetics is a transdisciplinary approach concerned with regulatory and purposive systems—their structures, constraints, and possibilities. The core concept of the discipline is circular causality or feedback—that is, where the outcomes of actions are taken as inputs for further action. Cybernetics is concerned with such processes however they are embodied, including in ecological, technological, biological, cognitive, and social systems, and in the context of practical activities such as designing, learning, managing, and conversation.

Control Theory

PID Controller

Fuzzy Controller

Neural Network – NN

Programmable Logic Controller – PLC

Artificial Intelligence

“Trí tưởng tượng còn quan trọng hơn cả kiến ​​thức. Kiến thức thì hạn chế. Trí tưởng tượng lại bao quanh cả thế giới.”

Trích Smithsonian-Albert Einstein, 02/1979.

Join me for an exciting experience and see the future here… It’s in your hands !

Become a member of my group to easily learn and support your knowledge of control and automation here.

Hi ! I’m Zeus

Christian Zeus

Control Engineering and Automation


Diane holds a Master’s in Design from Columbia University and is passionate about building effective teams, and leveraging design to create high growth products.

She currently manages designers at Dot. She has previously managed design teams at Arrow, cofounded a company that was acquired by Parenthesis, and spent a few years as a freelance designer.

Originally from Canada, she studied in Paris and London, worked in Singapore, and is now based in San Francisco. She loves books, yoga, and wine.


Design Conference, 2019
Designing Teams
San Jose, CA

Design x Mental Health, 2019
Speaking Out
San Francisco, CA

Impact for Growth, 2018
Building Compatible Teams
San Francisco, CA


Diane is always available for side collaborations and talks worldwide. If you want to chat about design, books, wine, or anything else, don’t hesitate in reaching out.


Lessons from remote interviewing
April 2020

What design mentees need
December 2019

How to foster collaboration
November 2019

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